Thursday, April 18, 2013

Urban Orchards

Soooo my hubby gave me a surprise today. It was a tomato plant. And a bag of soil. Yay! This plant will be added to the others we have started planting since we moved to our new home in February of this year. Our home may be new, but not our love for gardening.

When we lived in Carolina, we had a more or less sophisticated "urban orchard"  or vegetable garden. We grew eggplants, tomatoes, sweet peppers, herbs for cooking, and others, in plastic boxes. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment, there are always plants that can be cultivated, as long as you take good care of them. If your space is too tiny for any kind of vegetable, why not try growing herbs? There is oregano, parsley, thyme, basil, even chives, can be grown in windowside pots.

These days, I am cultivating medicinal herbs, including mint, spearmint, plantago, hibiscus; also sweet peppers, and an array or orchids.

From a USDA newsletter, I learned that the benefits of cultivating the land are much more than physical and alimentary. Planting crops also helps to bond the family, because this activity can be done together. It is impotant for stress management and also gives a sense of fulfillment.

I recommend you to try planting your own garden. Love the Earth and it will love you back!